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Board of Finance Minutes February 27, 2006
February 27, 2006

I.      CALL TO ORDER – The regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm in the Selectmen’s Chamber, Town Hall, by Chairman Tom Harrison.  Present were members Margaret Bratton, Cathy Durdan, Tom Gugliotti and Jim Speich.  Bill Hooper and Mike Monts were absent.

II.     PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Led by Cathy Durdan.


IV.     MINUTES OF PRECEDING MEETINGS – January 5, 2006 and
                                                                                        January 23, 2006
On a motion made by Tom Gugliotti, seconded by Jim Speich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Board of Finance accept the minutes of January 5 and January 23,
                2006, as submitted.
Tom Harrison, Tom Gugliotti, Jim Speich, Margaret Bratton and Cathy Durdan voted in favor.

                FY 06/07 – Budget – The Town Manager reported the Town Council will forward the budget to the Board of Finance at their March Meeting.  He indicated that at this time, there is a 6.39% increase in spending which will result in a 4.35% tax increase which was approved by the Town Council.  This does not include the Board of Education Budget.  The Town Manager commented that the Car Tax issue, introduced by the Governor, is a wild card in our State Grant funding at this point.  The Conveyance Tax should be decided for the March meeting.

                FY 05/06-14 –Review, Discuss & Acceptance FY 04/05 Audit- Peg Colligan, Finance Director for the Town, introduced Vanessa Rossitto, Partner and Stacy Nobitz, Manager for Blum Shapiro, and Charles Lucas, Town Accountant for the Town.  Ms. Rossitto reported that the Town of Avon has once again received a clean audit on both the CAFR and the Audit.  She reported that during the audit process, several matters arose which were deserving of management attention.  Ms. Rossitto reported these items do not represent reportable conditions or material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting.

Each item was discussed in detail, and responded to by either the Town’s Finance Director.  All items are being reviewed by appropriate departments, and efforts are being made to develop solutions, wherever possible.  The Town is now aware of changes in accounting procedures for the future and is making every effort to comply with them.

                FY 05-06-15 – Supplemental Appropriation:  $2,500; Law                                           Enforcement Block Grant
Mark Rinaldo, Acting Chief of Police has advised that the Office of Policy & Management has advised the Town that Avon is eligible for funding under the federal Local Law Enforcement Block Grant for an award of $2,500.00.  It is the intention of Police Department to use the funding to continue upgrading and replacing computer systems

On a motion made by Jim Speich, seconded by Cathy Durdan, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Board of Finance hereby amends the FY05/06 Budget by                 
                Increasing REVENUES, General Fund, Intergovernmental, Law                               Enforcement Block Grant, Account #01-0330-43373 in the amount of                        
$2,500 and increasing APPROPRIATIONS, General Fund, Administrative
                Services, Other Equipment Account #01-2101-53319 in the amount of                       $2,500 for the purpose of upgrading a computer system.
Members Tom Harrison, Tom Gugliotti, Jim Speich, Margaret Bratton and Cathy Durdan voted in favor.

                FY 05-06-16 – Supplemental Appropriation: $4,365; Bulletproof Vest
                                 Partnership Act
Acting Chief  Mark Rinaldo has advised we have been awarded an amount of $4,365 to purchase bulletproof vests.  He has requested this money be transferred to the Patrol Services, Uniforms Account.

On a motion made by Jim Speich, seconded by Margaret Bratton, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Board of Finance hereby amends the FY 05/06 Budget by                   increasing REVENUES, General Fund, Intergovernmental, Bulletproof Vest Partnership Act, Account #01-0330-43322 in the amount of $4,365 and increasing APPROPRIATIONS General Fund, Patrol Services, Uniforms, Account #01-2107-42238 in the amount of $4,365 for the    purpose of recording a grant from the Department of Justice for purchasing Bulletproof Vests.
Members Tom Harrison, Tom Gugliotti, Jim Speich, Margaret Bratton and Cathy Durdan voted in favor.

VII.    MISCELLANEOUS – The Town Manager reported there is a conflict regarding the schedule for Budget Workshops.  The back-up meeting we have scheduled for April 13 will conflict with the Passover holiday.  We have two workshops scheduled for April 5 and April 10.  The Board discussed the need for the third workshop – in the past we have held only two such meetings and the Board expressed unanimous opinion not to reschedule the third workshop.


On a motion made by Tom Gugliotti, seconded by Jim Speich, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the Board of Finance adjourn at 8:35 pm.
Members Tom Harrison, Tom Gugliotti, Jim Speich, Margaret Bratton and Cathy Durdan voted in favor.

                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                Thomas A. Gugliotti, Secretary

Attest:Elinor Burns, Clerk